This page shows the items that are unique to a Business Solar bill. Please view the Business electricity bill to better understand page 1 and 2 of your bill.


Your Supply details

This includes the Site Address, NMI and supply period. If your bill has been estimated it will be shown here.

The supply period refer to the dates you have been billed for and also tells you how many days were in that period.

It is possible for the supply period dates and the date your Statement was issued (on the front of your bill) to be different.


Emergency contact information

Your local distributor's emergency number to report any faults or emergencies.


Information about energy use and charges

This includes a breakdown of charges including services charges, demand and energy rates.

View the Feed-in-Tariff rates applicable and more about solar.


Metering information

Details of your meter reads and the number of units recorded.


Transmission loss factor and distribution loss factor

These are multipliers that appear on all electricity customer bills. They have already been applied to tariffs, which means they do not change the charges of tariff bills.


Approximate next meter reading date

This is the date scheduled by the distributor, and their meter readers will read your meter on this date or one business day either side of it.