aurora+ is powered by either our Residential Flat Rate (tariff 31 & 41) product or our Residential Peak and Off-Peak (tariff 93) product. 

With access to the app, you're able to see exactly how much power you're using and when, track and manage your usage and costs and make payments when it suits you. 

aurora+ customers receive a monthly statement – which means no more quarterly bills.

Here’s a table of the charges and times for Residential Peak and Off-Peak product and our Residential Flat Rate product.

aurora+ Peak & Off-Peak

On aurora+ Peak and Off-Peak take advantage of the off-peak times and use less in the peak times to save on power!


Daily supply charges 126.389 ¢/day
Peak 36.198 ¢/kWh
Off-Peak 16.855 ¢/kWh
Time Periods (Australian Eastern Standard Time) Tariff Rate
Mon – Fri: 7am – 10am | 4pm – 9pm (AEST) Peak
Mon - Fri: 10am – 4pm | 9pm - 7am (AEST) Off-Peak
Sat – Sun: (all weekends) Off-Peak


Australian Daylight Saving Time (ADST) starts on the first Sunday in October and ends on the first Sunday in April. 

Time Periods (Australian Daylight Saving Time) Tariff Rate
Mon – Fri: 8am – 11am | 5pm – 10pm (ADST) Peak
Mon - Fri: 11am – 5pm | 10pm - 8am (ADST) Off-Peak
Sat – Sun: (all weekends) Off-Peak

Prices effective as of 1 July 2023

aurora+ is not compatible with Tariff 61 or Tariff 62


aurora+ Flat Rate

On aurora+ Residential Flat Rate, you pay the same amount for your power no matter what time of the day you use it. 

Lights and Power (Tariff 31)

Daily supply charges 113.772 ¢/day
Energy (all units) 29.947 ¢/kWh

Note: Curtilage conditions may apply

Heating and Hot water (Tariff 41)

Daily supply charges 21.214 ¢/day
Energy (all units) 19.447 ¢/kWh

* A minimum output of 3.5 kW in the main living area applies for space heating under the Heating and Hot water Tariff.

aurora+ is not compatible with Tariff 61 or Tariff 62

The fine print

Some energy products listed may not be available depending on what has previously existed at the property.

Please also note if work has been done at the premises without informing TasNetworks or Aurora Energy, this may impact which tariffs are applied.

All prices include GST. 

You can view the July 2023 electricity tariff brochure here

Late Fees and Overdue interest

If your account is not paid by the due date and you haven’t contacted us for a payment extension, a $5 late payment fee will be charged to your next account. You may also be charged overdue interest which is set by the Reserve Bank of Australia and reflects the 90-day Bank Accepted Bill rate (plus 6%).


The Pensioner Rebate is funded by the State Government and provided by Aurora Energy to eligible Pensioners.  

Additional Charges

If a government, regulator or network distributor varies or introduces a fee, charge or tax, we may pass through all or part of this to you. The charges for network-related services, as approved by the Australian Energy Regulator, may include our reasonable costs for arranging such services.

Basic plan information

For full price, terms and condition information, you can refer to the Aurora Energy Standing Offer Price Schedule or the Australian Government Energy Made Easy basic plan information document:

aurora+ with Tariff 93 - Peak and Off-Peak (PDF)

aurora+ with Tariffs 31,41 - Flat Rate (PDF)


Power in your hands

aurora+ is now available! Offering an easier way to view and manage your energy. 

Switch now